The benefits and drawbacks of using VR in the classroom

August 08, 2021

Virtual reality (VR) is transforming the educational landscape. VR technology offers a unique way of experiencing education, providing an immersive and engaging classroom experience to students. The question is, what are the benefits and drawbacks of using VR in the classroom? Let's take a look at the facts.


1. Enhanced Learning:

Virtual reality in the classroom makes learning more interactive, engaging and memorable for the students. With 3D models and simulations, the learning process is made interesting and fun. In a study conducted by the University of Maryland, students who learned in VR scored significantly higher grades than those who learned through traditional methods.

2. Improves retention and recall:

VR is known to improve retention and recall, making it easier for students to remember what they have learned. A study by the University of Barcelona in Spain found that students using VR had better recall of material than those who used traditional methods.

3. Safe Environment:

Virtual reality creates an environment in which students can experiment and make mistakes without the risk of harm. This is particularly useful for teaching difficult and dangerous topics such as science experiments.

4. Cost-effective:

One of the most significant benefits of using VR in the classroom is that it is cost-effective compared to traditional methods. VR technology is relatively cheap, and once the hardware is in place, it can be used for multiple classes and subjects.


1. Technical difficulties:

VR technology is still relatively new and prone to bugs, which can cause delays or disruptions to the learning process. Moreover, not all classrooms may have the required infrastructure to support the technology. These technical issues can impede the progress and effectiveness of the learning experience.

2. Additional training required:

To operate and maintain VR technology, additional training for educators may be necessary. This can cause a lag in the adoption of VR technology in classrooms as educators are required to take time to learn and master the medium.

3. Potentially isolating:

While VR allows students to experience a more immersive learning experience, it can be isolating as it restricts classroom interaction and social learning.

4. Limited accessibility:

Not all students may have the necessary hardware to use VR. This could affect students who cant afford their equipment or have no access to the internet at home.


VR has many potential advantages as an educational tool. VR is shown to improve the learning process by enhancing engagement levels and recall in students. However, there are some downsides to VR technology in the classroom, including bandwidth issues and the need for additional educator training.

Despite these drawbacks, VR technology still holds considerable promise as a transformative education tool. As the technology continues to evolve, the positive impact it will have on Education is yet to be seen.


  • Checa, D., García-Palomares, J., & Jaén, J. (2021). Virtual reality in education to improve learning during the COVID-19 era. Digital Education Review, 39, 1-16.

  • Maryland, U. Of. "Virtual Reality Boosts Learning, Motivation, and Understanding." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 10 June 2019.

  • Garcia-Sanjuan, F., Navarro, I. J., & Fernandez-Martin, A. (2019). An empirical analysis of the impact of using virtual reality on students' learning performance in chemistry. Computers & Education, 132, 53-66.

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